The MDC Food Program is a program established to ensure proper nutrition for all children enrolled in licensed in-home daycares.
Providers can be reimbursed for two meals and one snack or two snacks and one meal per day for each child in care ages 0-13.
MDC has sponsored the CACFP since it began in 1977!
You must have a current Washington State In-Home Day Care License. Once you have completed your orientation with DEL, give us a call and we will gladly schedule an appointment to come to your home and get you signed up!
Then, enroll children in the food program and begin claiming them to be reimbursed for the nutritious meals that you serve!
This includes: Breakfast, AM Snack, Lunch, PM Snack, Dinner, and Evening Snack. You will be reimbursed based on your recorded attendance, meal counts, and menus.
945 Fawcett Tacoma, WA 98402
The funds provided for the CACFP are from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
In Washington State, the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is overseen by The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).
Who is MDC?
MDC stands for Metropolitan Development Council. MDC is a nonprofit agency located in Tacoma Washington. Since the agency began in 1964, MDC has provided high quality services to Tacoma/Pierce County residents. MDC’s mission is to develop and manage innovative programs that promote self sufficiency and remove individuals and families from poverty.